Bespoke Brocade Jackets hand finished

Many of my clients are occasionally wildly attached to a jacket I have created for them and shared that they seldom hang the jacket inside the closet and instead they decorate their room with them. This week I needed to brighten up my Covid19 quarantine life away from home.

I placed a hook on the cream colored French doors and stacked three of my very own favorite coats which I usually travel with and continue wearing. A newer abstract Brocade, second in Damask , and last a flame colored zebra textile coat that I had hand stitched rows of magenta French ribbon along the bottom from a 2001 collection . The rich display of hand cut and sewn designs greets me every morning when I wake up and gives me joy. Making my jackets even for myself has been an acknowledgment that life is full of sweet little moments that can sometime come in the form of an ever lasting beautiful coat .

What is a Bespoke Brocade Jacket?

A brocade jacket by definition projects strength in taste and personality, its a throw back to a vintage period of elegance that is so missed today.

One of my own bespoke jacket generally is the last and final layer I put on wear to help communicate to the wold about myself. A hand cut and finished Aida Dalati Jacket is what many of my customers are willing to wait for ( 2-3 weeks time) as the garments are all made locally in the Bay Area in California. Sure there are a lot of jackets out on the market but when you are in the showroom picking through the woven French textiles threaded with metallic designs rich to the eye and touch choosing just the right one to be made by hand just for your body type surly the whole experience is not only fun but satisfying.